2020 Malaysia Industry & Entrepreneur Personality Awards by NIAGATIMES

Photo: Executive Chairman receiving award from Deputy Minister of Entrepreneur Development and Koperasi, YB Datuk Wira Mas Ermieyati Shamsudin.

Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.

Double celebration during NiagaTimes’ appreciation night for Industrial Personality Award and Malaysia Entrepreneur when our Executive Chairman received Entrepreneur Icon Award 2020 and Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad received Excellent Company Award 2020 for express bus service.

SME100 Awards 2018

E-Mutiara received its recognition as one of the 10 best companies in Malaysia during the "SME100 Awards - Malaysia's Fast Moving Companies" Awards Ceremony held at Kuala Lumpur Convention Center in 2018.

A total of 700 companies are evaluated annually by the Organizing Committee comprising Business Media International (BMI) and the Small & Medium Enterprises Association (SAMENTA).

Participation for the MITI-recognized event was audited by Baker Tilly TFW, a company of certified auditors while the participants' credit reports were reviewed by CTOS.

E-Mutiara received its winning certificate and trophy from the Honorable Deputy Minister of International Trade and Industry.

Photo: Che Ibrahim (Executive Chairman), Naemah (Managing Director) and managers of Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad, with the Awards.

Ekspres MUTIARA bermula dengan anda, Insya Allah selamat

Photo: Che Ibrahim (Executive Chairman) and Naemah (Managing Director) of Konsortium E-Mutiara Berhad, with the Awards.

Award and Recognition Certificates from Government Agencies

Best Safety Practices

SPAD Land Public Transport Symposium 2017 7 Reimagining Transportation : Sustainable Mobility Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat

Safety Star Grading Award

4 Stars Grading for Bus Operators in 2016 Malaysia Institute of Road Safety Research

Best Operator (Express Bus)

SPAD Land Public Transport Symposium 2017 7 Reimagining Transportation : Sustainable Mobility Suruhanjaya Pengangkutan Awam Darat


95+ fleets

Our FLEETS on routine maintenance and services to ensure safe and smooth journey

200+ coach captains

Our COACH CAPTAINS are well trained and experience to handle both the fleet and customer.

74+ routes

We cater customers' demand on frequent and necessary ROUTES they have to travel.